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Paul Miller

Mr. Donald ‘Paul’ Miller is currently the Program Administrator for Lake County Virtual School.  Mr. Miller has been in Education for 18 years, all in Lake County Schools.  He graduated from Florida State University and started teaching US History, Government, and Economics at Leesburg High School in 2005.  He became the Social Studies Department head in 2011 and a Professional Learning Community Leader in 2012.  

In 2013, Mr. Miller transferred to a new position with Lake County Virtual School, helping to build the program and teaching Social Studies, grades 6-12.  He became the Social Studies Department Head and was chosen to be Lake County Virtual School Teacher of the Year in 2015.  In 2016, Mr. Miller took on a different role outside the virtual classroom.  He became the Program Specialist, Testing Coordinator, and Professional Development Coordinator for the Virtual School.  One year later, he became the Program Administrator.  In this new position, he continues to grow and improve virtual education opportunities for Lake County students.  Mr. Miller strongly believes in the Virtual Education ideology: no walls, no boundaries, no time limits, just mastery education.